Professionals Helping Women and Men Overcome Obstacles
Who We Are
We are a female-owned business creating cutting-edge Ortho appliances since 1970. We are committed to making a difference in the quality of people's lives. We care about our Doctors and our Patients. We are team players with the goal of a terrific outcome for everyone we work with.
Our Value
Lanfried Ortho Technology holds exclusive patents on PalsyPal® Prosthetics and has been creating cutting-edge Ortho appliances since 1970.
Our Doctors
We strongly believe that dentists are important members of the medical teams that take care of patients stricken with the devastating physical, social, and psychosocial aspects of facial deformities caused by Bell's Palsy, Acoustic Neuroma, traumatic injury, brain surgery, cancer, stroke, and dental complications.

In the United States, dentists and physicians are presented with thousands of patients a year experiencing the damaging effects of facial paralysis.
Bell's Palsy affects approximately 64,000 Americans yearly. The palsy has a higher incidence in women during their 30s and 40s. This is the height of their working years. The sudden paralysis can last for months, and in many cases, it is a permanent condition.
"Plastic surgery cannot do everything. . . PalsyPal® does something the surgeries couldn't."